Custom Spraying Application
We have a team of professionals that will take care of your spraying for you. Branded chemicals gives us a reassurance that we all can rely on working. You can also purchase chemicals from us and apply yourself. We provide your totes and pumps and you can return what you do not use. Stop accumulating extra chemicals around your farm and minimize waste. If you purchase from us and need to return an unopened package you can. We weigh out our bulks and as long as the seals are in tact we will weigh them back in when you get done for the season.
Custom Anyhdrous and Dry Fertilizer Application
Take the worry out of fertilizer application when you do a one pass and apply the dry fertilizer in the ground right along with your anhydrous. Dry fertilizer acts as a nitrogen stabilizer when applied this way.
Custom Cover Crop Application
Cover Crops are a proven way to minimize weeds and soil erosion, helping to hold moisture in the ground when needed.
Custom Harvesting
One of our "Joys" of our year; this season is the best, We like having opportunities to help our neighbors and customers when they need an extra hand or just need to get it done!
Crop Scouting
We take care of our customers, scouting all season long. We have a team of professionals that are always willing to come to look a troubled field. We love scouting and seeing the programs we help farmers put together working in action too!
Soil Sampling
Giving your ground the treatment it needs starts with Soil Sampling. Let us put a plan together that works for you.
Fungicide & Insecticide Spraying
Ground Rig and Aerial Spraying are both options that you can choose for applying fungicide and insecticide with 3H Customs.
Custom Planting
We stay busy, but when the timing is right and we have the manpower, if our customers need help getting a crop in we do what it takes to get things done!
Soybean Treatment
We are under construction
and adding BULK
Soybeans for 2023.
We have been treating seed for the last
several years and we are upgrading our system